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Are you working abroad?
EUtaxback - is an online service with tax agents.
Talk free with agent as often as you need a help to get a tax refund. See them now in action!
Easy and no prepayment

EUtaxback - is an online service with tax agents. Talk free with agent as often as you need a help to get a tax refund. See them now in action!

Get your tax refund, served for you online by tax agent

Tax refunds from 8+ EU countries.

EUtaxback is working with mobile workers from all over the world. It does not matter whether you are building a house in UK or serving a tanker in the North Sea - we are working with everyone. Join us, choose the country and make your tax profile in just 5 minutes — the rest will do our agent.
EUtaxback is working with mobile workers from all over the world. It does not matter whether you are building a house in UK or serving a tanker in the North Sea - we are working with everyone.

Join us, choose the country and make your tax profile in just 5 minutes — the rest will be done by our agent.
To refunds taxes or ask for tax help — get starting with online registration

You get safe online tax account with chat, pre-filled tax forms and tracking.
1. Get Started
Let's do this
Our tax agent will answer all your questions. Makes a calculation, completes the tax forms and tax returns, etc.
Our tax agent takes care of your taxes.
2. That's it.
Get started
Well, that's it, you've got your refunds, we've got our %.
That's it
You can also get started by using whatsapp, viber or skype.
Just call or text us — we help you to register on our website and answer all your questions.
Ask any questions — you get answered in easy language and free of charge

All can be done in your own personal online tax account: free calculation, communication, tax forms.
All is included into service fee. Start without any prepayment. If there is a refund - you pay % of the amount.
A jargon-free zone
100% online service
Really good deals
Insured from mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. Only we guarantee 100% refund and a reimbursement of penalties if our mistake.
Here only the basic about the service costs, detailed information in section Pricing
Even more opportunities.
Take a look!
Eutaxback services are very high quality, fast and professional. Thank you for the quality service!
You are great team, a team of professionals, I will definitely advise and tell my friends and colleagues about you.
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UK tax refunds
NL tax refunds
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