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Who are we?
EUtaxback is an online service with tax agents to help non-residents workers to refund taxes paid in the EU.
Our facts
For more than 10 years, EUtaxback has used a remote approach to work with mobile employees from all around the world. We helped more than 25,000 people to refund their overpaid taxes.

The most important thing is the fact that all our services are available online and you can get them without leaving your home.

of customers recommend our services to their friends
> 8

countries of tax refund in European

days from registration to the moment of tax return submission
> 2

million euro our customers refund every year
Our mission
When the era of internet technology has transformed the world, our mission has become simple but important – to make an online tax refund for non-residents workers in the EU as simple, safe and convenient as possible.
Our team
EUtaxback is supported by a small team of tax agents, bookkeepers, and a lawyer with vast experience in their respective fields. In addition, we have Ivo the Bot that helps our customers to register on the website, prepares required forms and monitors the deadline for the tax refund.

In addition, we speak in a very simple language without using complex terms and structures. Furthermore, they are ready to make all the work related to the communication with tax authorities and maximizing the number of tax credits for each and every customer of EUtaxback.

The key goal of the entire EUtaxback team is to work hard just to make our customers happy and satisfied.